Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monday afternoon Heath and I went to the doctor to talk about the pregnancy.  I was terrified.  Mostly of finding out there was more than one baby.  I was fairly certain we wouldn’t find out on Monday because we weren’t scheduled for an ultrasound.  I was also very curious about a due date, and I figured that going to the doctor might help me accept this whole thing a bit better.

I was right.  We didn’t find out about the number of babies, but we made an educated guess (best chance) at a due date of November 8th.  We did confirm the pregnancy too.  That was important.  I was schedule for an ultrasound Wednesday morning.

Scheduling an ultrasound in a city half an hour away from home at 8:30 in the morning when you have to take twins to grandma’s, and two girls to two different schools was not a good idea.  We were very rushed to get there, and thank to the prerequisite “full bladder” I was very cranky.  Heath kept teasing me about twins.  I wanted to believe there was just one baby, but he was right the last time, so he could be right again. 

Luckily, I got my way and we only have one.  Unless someone is hiding. 

My due date is right on—I will have to have a c-section though so we currently have that scheduled for November 1st.  That’s one thing about my pregnancies that I’ve always liked.  I always have an end date that is prior to the due date to look forward to.  So.  After November 1st, I will no longer be pregnant!

I have to be honest.  I haven’t been at all happy about this ‘surprise.’  I didn’t really care if God wanted this or not.  Clearly He did, because I was able to do this naturally.  I just thought it extremely presumptuous to not ask my opinion first.

But when I heard that heart beat.  I wasn’t prepared for it.  Suddenly this baby became very real to me and I realized he (hoping for a boy) needs me to love and protect him.  He doesn’t have anyone else to do that for him right now.  I fell in love with this little gummy bear.  He is cute.  I can tell.

So, while I can’t say that I’m thrilled with this—I have accepted it and I’m looking forward to holding my baby in a few months!

10 weeks down.  30 to go!



Belkycita said...

So exciting!!
I understand you though, one day at the time, you can do it!

Elaine Welte said...

Congratulations to you & Heath!