Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life has been busy.  I’ve been traveling for work, and when actually here, been doing even more stuff for work.  I’m exhausted!  Luckily, I have a great Hubby who has been taking great care of the kids and a supportive extended family who have been helping out as well!

Not much in particular to say.  The kids are growing so fast!

Kalyn is practically a tween and makes us laugh daily with the witty and innocent things she says.  She has joined the Advanced Reader’s group in Kindergarten and reads all the time.  She told me the other day that she finally believes me when I say reading is more fun than tv.  She has vowed to watch less tv and read more.  She really is very good and enjoys reading us bedtime stories each night. 

Keali has the loveliest eyes.  They are so expressive.  She is really funny.  Keali has a dry sense of humor—something I’m not sure I’ve seen in a child before, but she deadpans and makes the funniest comments.  She is learning about bugs at school and loves singing me the songs the teachers share about insects.  She knows it creeps me out and she finds it hilarious!

Kynan.  Well.  He screams like a girl.  There.  I said it.  He is a handsome little boy, the apple of my eye, and he doesn’t even like me!  He loves me, sure.  But would rather have nothing to do with me.  It isn’t that girls are gross.  Mommies are gross.  I guess I’ll just have to get used to the idea.  Makes me sad though.  He is such a boy.  He climbs on everything and gets into everything.  I guess I didn’t believe that baby boys and girls were that different, but he is SUCH A BOY!!  Unfortunately for us, when he does something naughty, he flashes his grin and more often than not gets away with it.  When are we going to learn our lesson?

Kaci is Mommy’s princess.  She can’t stand to have anyone else near me—claiming her rightful spot on my lap as soon as anybody gets too close.  She snuggles in and gives the sweetest smiles.  She talks periodically.  Okay.  She babbles all the time, but every once in a while it will make sense.  Usually it is some variation of “Stop! Bubbie!  Stop!”  I guess she hears that alot LOL!  She is still a bit of a bully, but Kynan is taking up for himself better now.  She struts around the house with her glorious tummy pushed forward.  Her tummy is only surpassed in impressiveness by her booty.  She is a round little thing and so cute.  Papaw calls her “Emmer” because she walks just like my Mother-In-Law’s mother did.  She is a bit bowlegged.  I hope she grows out of it.

We’ve been blessed to spend some time recently with family we don’t often get to see, and the girls are looking forward to summer.  They just ended spring break and did NOT want to go back to school!  T-Ball will start up soon, so I’m trying to get myself excited for that. Hmmmm.  T-ball for two and two toddlers running around the ball fields.  Not my idea of fun, but Kalyn and Keali can’t wait!  I hope Heath is able to be as involved this year as he was last.  It was wonderful to see him getting to have fun with his kids like that.  I also hope we have a great coach like we did last year.  That can really make all the difference.

Heath is working hard.  Basketball season is over and we are now in baseball, softball, and soccer.  I hate the beginning parts of these sports because it is still so chilly outside—especially in the evening.  We aren’t able to visit him at work too much until it warms up, but it is fun when we do!

So basically—we are all well and trying to do our best.  Life is crazy busy, but we are happy!

Oh—and Heath bought me a Nookcolor this last weekend!  I’m so happy with it!


Belkycita said...

It a great thing to know you are alive!!
Wow, it sounds like busy is your first name now. Yucks!
Well in your "spare" time, we could use some photos :-)

(look who's talking!!! I haven't updated my blog in ages)

Unknown said...

I looked up that Nookcolor and it looks awesome! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well and hope you stay safe in your travels! I love you!

Starting Over said...

On man! That last comment was from Andrea not James...sorry!

Jennie said...

Well there is one thing worse than chasing after two toddlers at a t-ball game. Being pregnant with two babies at a t-ball game. There, did that help? I love to hear your stories and compare them with our girls.