Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wow.  It’s been so long, it took me five minutes to find the icon for Live Writer on my desktop!

Life has been busy!  A kindergartener, a 4-year old, and twin toddlers are keeping Heath and I very busy!  In the past month, we’ve had Kalyn and Keali’s birthday party, and I can’t really remember what else.  I wake up in the morning, go to work, pick up the kids, put them to bed, and collapse in my own bed exhausted—just to start the whole process over again the next morning. 

I’ve maxed out on my medication, but I think the increase is doing me good.  I feel much better than I have.  In addition to this, I’ve volunteered to help out the seniors in the Exercise Science program.  They need faculty and staff volunteers to be personal trainers to.  So.  For absolutely no money—I have my very own personal trainer!  AND I get to work out in an amazing new facility.  I haven’t been this physically active since probably seventh grade and I feel great!

I go to bed exhausted—but the tired that comes from actually doing stuff, not the tired that stems from depression and lack of motivation.  I wake up much earlier in the morning and have too much energy to go back to sleep.  I’m getting ready to start my third week of this and I am shocked and amazed by the difference I feel already!  I can’t really see a change in my body yet…but I feel much better and my clothes are fitting differently.  It is wonderful.  Best of all—I am not hating working out!  I actually enjoy the sweat I break into because I know that I’ve earned it.

A couple weeks ago, I even took part in a 4K.  I walked almost the whole thing, but I was so proud of my accomplishment (and I got a cute pink t-shirt!)  The down side of all this is that I’ve been sore for the past few weeks!  HaHa!  I’m not working out too hard—I’m actually pushing myself a lot, and I’m not injured, I’m just using muscles that really haven’t been used in who knows how long?!  It is a good pain and I am so proud of myself.  Heath has been an amazing cheerleader and extremely supportive of my efforts.  My main goal is to do this all semester (I will, because Cassie’s grade depends on my showing up regularly) and then continue the habit of going.  My University gives it’s employees 3 wellness hours a week to use and I really haven’t used them in the past.  I am now, and I love it!  I’m getting a lot of support from my supervisor and others in my office.  It is really nice.

At home, the twins keep my jumping.  We finally took the plunge this last weekend and refused to give either one a bottle.  They have been fighting the transition to sippy cup for months.  Heath and I have never had a baby use a bottle past 10 months old, and Kynan and Kaci are almost 16 months!  We made the mistake of going cold turkey Sunday morning.  Right before church.  Yeah.  It wasn’t pretty.

They are doing great now though—plenty of bribes of chocolate milk and strawberry milk (Heath’s idea) got them hooked on the idea that sippies won’t kill them.  They haven’t had a bottle since and though they still aren’t loving their sippy’s, they are doing much much better.

Kalyn is doing so well in school.  We have her parent teacher conference tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.  Keali is a joy for her teachers as well—they tell me this almost every day!  Both have attitudes the size of Texas when they want them, but for the most part they are loving and wonderful.

Happy February!012018

Crazy eyes! 


Jennie said...

Wow! That is so awesome Melissa. The perks of working at a university. Good luck on this adventure of yours. I was walking Katherine to school everyday before it got cold and I actually LOVED it. I really miss it.

jennifer rogers said...

that picture of the twins sleeping makes me smile! I love her little arm laying on his neck and he could just care less! Too cute!

Belkycita said...

Wow! nice update!!!

I am joining a work out group and for the first time ever I am LOVING IT!
So way to go!!!!

Starting Over said...

Yay for your new hobby! I'm proud of you. And I love how your babies look so rolly-polly!

Best of the Best said...

Kalyn and Keali are growing up too fast! As a matter of fact, I can't believe the twins are 18months old. It seems like you were just having them. It's good to hear that you are feeling happier about yourself and life. Keep going! --Luana