Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I love reading friend and family blogs and seeing how their children are growing.  I like reading about what their kindergarten children are doing.

Why, you ask?

Because all my kindergartener will tell me is what she ate for lunch.  She saves all of the juicy information to tell Ms. Patience, and Ms. Patience (my good friend) has to fill me in.  I don’t know why the girl won’t share with Heath or I, but at least she will share with someone!

Thank Heaven for short work weeks.  Thanks to Labor Day on Monday, I only have to work four days this week and two of them are almost over!  I enjoy my job a lot, but I adore my weekends with my kids and hubby.  I can’t wait for this one.  Heath wanted to take a trip to St. Louis for the weekend, and it would have been perfect, except that I committed to kitty-sitting for Julie.  Maybe we can go next weekend.  At least I like Julie’s cats.

1 comment:

Starting Over said...

You are so brave...I hate cats!!