Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The night before last I was putting the babies and girls to bed.  Everything was going so well.  I was a little tired and decided that going to bed at 8 pm would be wonderful.

Within about 20 minutes, I was so congested with a huge sinus headache!  I didn’t sleep very well.  Yesterday morning I went to work, had my meeting then headed to the doctor’s office.

A sinus and lung infection!  I don’t think I’ve ever had one hit me so quickly and completely.  I just feel awful.  I stayed home from work today. 

Last night my in-laws came over (they knew I was sick) and made soup and took care of the kids while I rested.  Right now, Julia is over helping with the kids until Heath gets here.  I don’t think I’m feeling any better yet, but the doctor swore i would be by the weekend.

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