Friday, March 26, 2010

A co-worker showed me this a couple days ago--a micro phish copy of the ASU Herald from 1924.  It was an ad for Coca Cola.  If you know me, you know I love Coke.  I found this very interesting!
"FACTS__Carbonated Beverages
COCA COLA contains nothing that has to be labeled imitation or artificial, and it has passed the censorship of the AMERICAN PUBLIC, THE COVERNMENT CHEMIST--and is the PUREST BEVERAGE in the soft drink field.
Carbon dioxide gives LIFE to Coca Cola or PEP and is very beneficial to most persons.
Carbon Dioxide has been recognized as an aid to digestion and general health and to have valuable germicidal qualities.  A fact not so well known, please note this, is that mothers milk also contains 10% carbonic gas by volume.  Proof that NATURE realizes the health giving qualities of (carbon dioxide gas).
Drink Coca Cola in Bottles. 5 cts."
Wow!  Mothers milk!  Who knew?

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