Monday, March 29, 2010

A Very Decent Weekend

Saturday morning—early morning, I took both of the babies feedings so Heath could sleep some more.  When I was done, I went back to sleep and Heath got up with the babies and girls.  I slept in very nicely!  When I got up, I made pancakes for the family—in such a good mood, that I actually made two different colors of pancakes (yellow and green for those of you dying to know).  They were yummy and when we were finished we got ready for the day.

Heath had planned out a project for the girls to do.  We bought poster board and craft supplies.  We also printed out some pictures and the girls chose which to use.  They decorated their posters—I made one for Kaci and Heath will make one for Kynan.  At some point we will get around to hanging them, but the girls had a blast making them and it was a great project for our family.  Great idea Heath!

When we finished, we spent a little time at Mamaw and Papaw’s house, then came home and went to bed.  We went to church Sunday, then afterwards the girls, babies, and Heath went to his parents and I stayed home to clean up the house a little.  Dad, his fiancé Linda, and Bryan came up for a little while.  It was nice to get to meet Linda and to catch up with Dad and Bryan a bit. 

We got the kids to bed at a fairly decent hour and pretty easily, then we went to sleep as well.

Spring Break is over now, so we got up early this morning to make sure everyone made it to their respective schools on time.  I hope that being back on their schedule will help Kynan and Kaci out.  All during spring break they woke up three times a night to eat!  We had been down to one.  I hope we go back to that soon because I don’t think I can do this much longer!

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