Monday, March 22, 2010

This blogging thing has taken a back seat for the time being.  I am so busy!  When I am not busy, I’m trying to spend as much quality time with my hubby and kids as I can, so writing on the blog isn’t number one.  Sorry!

I’ve been continuing to do GHD selection and interviewing—the process will continue for another couple of weeks.  Shortly after that is over, I am going to California for a couple days to attend a Strengths Quest Educator seminar.  I’m really excited about this.  Strengths Quest is a program that my office started using last year.  It identifies five areas where individuals are strong—and then teaches you how to work with those areas and how to work with people with different areas.  For example, my top five strengths are:

Achiever—I have a need to be the best.  Uh…really?!  This one was obvious.

Intellection—I like to think—I like to be alone to think.  It doesn’t matter what I am thinking about—It doesn’t have to make since to anyone else, but I enjoy my thought processes.  I really identify with this one as well.

Adaptability—I’m able to adapt fairly easily when my plans go array.  This one I’m not completely sold on—I know I can do it, but I DON’T like to have to adapt.

Harmony—I like things to be in balance.  Relationships and such.  I don’t like conflict. 

Responsibility—I can be counted on to do something right.  Yes. I.  Can.


So anyway—My supervisor and I are going to this training seminar so we can become SQ Educators.  I’m really looking forward to it.

This weekend was nice.  I got home Friday evening to find that Heath (and his Mom) had cleaned most of the apartment.  Heath did this so we could spend time together, rather than time cleaning this weekend.  It was great!  We were able to spend time together, but mostly if I got a spare moment, I slept.  I don’t know what is going on.  I could fall asleep in a heartbeat this weekend—it didn’t matter how long I slept or how often.  I could fall asleep so easily.  I’m still exhausted and could fall asleep right now, but I’m at work so that would be frowned upon.

Kaci and Kynan have been extremely fussy lately.  Heath thinks they are teething.  I think they don’t like to formula we have them on.  We are changing their formula and keeping an eye on their gums.  They do like to get their gums rubbed.  My babies are too little to be getting teeth!  No!!!

1 comment:

Best of the Best said...

Do you have sleep apnea or are your thyroid levels too low?