Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A snippet from my conversation with Kalyn after picking her up from school this afternoon.

“What did you learn about today?”—Me

“Nothing.  We just played.”—Kalyn

“Did you have fun?”—Me


“I want to go to outer space some day.  And Florida.”—Kalyn

Because Florida and outer space are so similar?  I don’t get it—but she is super cute!  And headstrong.  If anyone has been watching our house for the past 26 hours or so, they may think that Kalyn has been kidnapped by me.  Seriously.  You would think that by the way she has been acting.  Last night I had to literally drag her into the house from the car because she refused to come in (this was after I chased her down).  This morning I had to literally drag her from the house to the car—without a coat.  And this was after I had to chase her down in the house.  And the best part was that she screamed the entire time!  Ahhhhh.  Motherhood!

Kynan and Kaci were accepted into the TLC program today.  It is an early intervention program for delayed children.  The twins are technically delayed—but really only because they were preemies and should be two months younger than they are.  But—it is a great program and will be beneficial for both babies.  We are happy they qualified.  We also got some news this afternoon that has the potential to be GREAT for us!  We’ll let you know!

I was watching Keali put her shoes on this morning.  She wanted to do it all by herself (velcro) and was being so cooperative with me that I decided to be cooperative with her.  I watched her little fingers manipulate the straps and put the shoes on her feet.  I remembered how little those fingers, hands, and arms used to be.  I remember when she needed (and wanted) me to do everything for her.  It is an amazing thing to get to be a part of a person’s growth and development.  I just wish it didn’t hurt my heart so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to potentially hear all about the potentially great news! I'm looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!