Monday, December 7, 2009

Kaci’s chest x-ray shows improvement!  Her lungs are still far from clear, but they are better than they were last week.  Unfortunately, Kaci’s latest stunt is to stop breathing.  Kaci has always had apnea, but rarely set off the alarms.  In the past 12 hours, she has set off the alarms 5 times!  It doesn’t freak me out because I just stimulate her and she breaths, but I (make that 7 times) would love to know why she is suddenly so worse in that area. 

Tonight Heath will stay with Kaci and I’ll go home with Kalyn, Keali, and Kynan.  I have a dentist appointment in the morning to get a crown on the tooth I had the root canal on in August.  Not really looking forward to that, but I will be happy when that is taken care of. 

Christmas is quickly approaching.  I’m having a hard time feeling it this year since we’ve been so stressed with the twins.  Yet again we are not having a Christmas tree.  Heath and I have only had a Christmas tree one time since we have been married.  We just didn’t see the point.  It was just the two of us and we lived in a very small apartment.

Then we had Kalyn.  I insisted on having a Christmas tree for Kalyn’s first Christmas.  Again, we lived in a small apartment and Kalyn was only 11 months old, so we got a two foot tree and stuck it on the table.  We moved the next year and the tree didn’t make the packing list.

We haven’t had a tree since.  Though we had more room, our children were still very young and we weren’t ever even home on Christmas day.  We couldn’t justify spending that much money on a tree and decorations.  Last year I decided would be the last year we wouldn’t have a tree.  I had planned on shopping the after Christmas sales to pick up a tree and the trimmings.  For whatever reason, I didn’t do it and we didn’t get a tree.  “No problem,” I said.  We could pick up a tree in November. 

Well.  If you have read even one post from recent weeks, you know what November has been like for us.  And December for that matter.  So.  Yet again—no tree.  And I won’t be picking up anything during the after Christmas sales this year either.  I have more important things to spend our money on—like a helicopter ride for two. 

All this said, I’m not so upset about the lack of a tree this year.  As usual we will not spend much time at home that special day (hopefully we won’t be in the hospital at all), and I don’t need a tree to remind me of the season.  Actually—I almost feel like this year is an extended Thanksgiving.  I have so much to be thankful for—and the list just keeps growing.  I feel so much gratitude for my blessings.  One day we will have a tree and it will be great.  For now we all have one another and that is pretty great too!


Cheryl said...

I'm glad her lungs are looking better, but I hope she stops setting those alarms off soon!

We aren't doing a tree this year either. I broke ours last year doing yoga. And we're too nervous to have one with the puppy around.

Jennifer said...

I have a tree for the first time ever this year - and it's beautiful! It's a pre-lit one with bigger than normal bulbs, and decorated with gold and red balls, gold bows and red garlands. It's seriously so pretty - I'll email you a picture!
I'm glad to hear that Kaci is getting (sorta) better. Give her a kiss for me?

Jennie said...

Hum, maybe Jennifer could share hers with you. Or she could take a picture and you could blow it up poster size and put it on your wall. That might be cheaper for you and wouldn't interfere with your room and the babies wouldn't be able to pull the ornaments off. Hum, come to think of it, maybe I should do that too! :0) I hope Kaci keeps getting better!