Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kaci continues to improve.  Last night I went home while Heath stayed in the hospital with Kaci.

I have always loved Heath and thought he was a great father, but today I have new respect for him and what he has been doing for the past week.  It was exhausting!!  I stayed at the hospital until Heath got off work (around 9:30).  Then I drove home and picked up the kids.  I got them home around 10:30 (and I was lucky…the girls were happy to see me and spend the night with me so there was no fussing when I told them it was time to go home.  I think Heath has to fight with them sometimes). 

I got them in bed by 11, then got their clothing for the day ready and fed Kynan.  Finally I was able to go to sleep a little after midnight.  Kynan was rather fussy if he didn’t have me touching him.  That meant that I had to have him in bed with me and I don’t sleep well that way.  I’m too scared of hurting the baby. 

I woke up around 4 to feed the drama queen.  That’s right.  I said it.  Kynan is a drama queen.  Not drama king…drama queen.  He whines like a girl when he doesn’t get his way and since he is only 7 weeks old and technically wasn’t supposed to be born until yesterday, I don’t always know what his way is or how to best give it to him.  When I say he whines like a girl that is not supposed to be derogatory towards girls—he is just high pitched like a female. 

Kalyn joined me at 5 am to snuggle.  She had another nightmare about a giant baby trying to eat her.  We snuggled until 6:40 when it was time to get up for school. 

Wow was that hard!  Neither Kalyn nor Keali wanted to wake up.  I woke Keali up three times and each time she would look at me then roll over and go back to sleep.  It was super cute, but I didn’t have time for those shenanigans.  It was hard to get the girls dressed and Kynan happened to be starving the whole time.  I fed him, got the girls ready, took a shower, and then took the girls to school and Kynan to my Mother-In-Law’s house. 

It was exhausting!  Heath has been doing that for a week!  He says he is used to it and while he is so tired, he has his routine down now.  I’m not sure I would have the patience for it for very long.

I had some dental work done this morning and my face is loosing the numbness.  My face hurts!  My mouth is very very small, and to do some of the work, they had to push around on the outside of my jaw.  I’m expecting bruises. I hate going to the dentist, but I have to admit that the one I go to now is probably my favorite of all time.  He is very laid back and has a nice southern accent that is calming. 

Kaci’s doctor told Heath that she will try to have us out of the hospital by the end of the week.  Kaci will more than likely go home on oxygen, but she can’t see keeping her in the hospital for another month just because she needs oxygen.  Neither can I.  I’m prepared to take her home with oxygen.  I just want to get her healthy and home!

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