It’s not going to be a good day. I started off so well. I got up, worked on laundry, got the twin’s sippies readdy and got the girls dressed.
Then I got the babies up. Kaci had pulled her diaper off in the middle of the night and…well, I’ll let you use your imagination. I’ve been vomiting for the past 30 minutes as a result.
He is at a conference today and since we couldn’t find a babysitter, I’m staying home to watch the kids. I don’t have the patience for this! So now, I’ve had to sterilize the babies’ room, sterilize the bathroom again (I just did it and it is a job I loathe) and do a couple more loads of laundry that I wasn’t planning on doing. Yuck.
On top of this, Kalyn and Keali WON’T stop talking! Or getting in my way! Moms, you’ll understand. Everywhere you need to be…there is a kid there instead. Augh!!!!
I didn’t sleep well last night and all Kalyn wants to do is go to the park. We have a high of 99 today. That isn’t including the heat index. Its going to be miserable.
This afternoon, I have to take the twins to be tested for more developmental delays. Since I don’t have a babysitter, guess who I also get to take???? My kids behave very well for other people. NOT for me. I don’t know what time Heath will be home tonight, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be here…or sane when he returns.
Hang in there! I've been there more often than I'm willing to admit.
I'm praying for you. You can make it!!
oh Melissa!!!! you can do it girl, it will only be a couple of hours and then it will be all done.
may the force be with you.
I hope today is a billion times better!!!
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