Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter break has been marvelous.  Complete with a nasty tummy bug going around the family and sinus infections.  But other than that, it really has been nice being with the kids all day. 

Both Kynan and Kaci are walking now.  Kaci still more than Kynan, but both are getting better and they are so cute!  Kynan will climb on anything—and I mean ANYTHING—he can.  He doesn’t need to be getting to anything specific—just UP.  The higher, the better for him. 

In true baby fashion, the twins enjoyed Christmas—the wrapping paper was mildly amusing, but the boxes were a big hit.  The toys were okay too, but the boxes were the highlight for my little lovies.

Kalyn and Keali were pretty good for Christmas—we only had a few bratty outbursts and a couple of conversations about the proper way to receive a gift.  We tried really hard to talk about the true meaning of Christmas, but we will have to work harder on that next year.

Heath and I had our 9th anniversary too!  It was great.  We almost never do anything fancy for our anniversaries—a trip to Walmart with just the two of us is pretty amazing, so when we were able to go out for an entire evening together, I was thrilled.

I was likewise thrilled with my gifts.  We usually don’t do gifts either (or if we do they are practical).  Heath gave me a new watch—a beautiful two toned watch with diamond accents.  He also gave me a new leather jacket and He Took Me Shoe Shopping and bought me four pairs of shoes!  I was super happy. 

If you haven’t already heard what I gave Heath, prepare yourself. 

I got him a KitKat. 

He is the hardest person to buy presents for!  He always guesses or hates what I get him, so I decided to not do much of anything this time.  And BOY did I hear about it!  Luckily while we were out together, he found a book he wanted so I ‘gave’ that to him.

I did better for Christmas though.  I gave him an ice cream machine & cookbook as well as a Superman book and a soldering gun.  He has been wanting all those things, and I was happy to get them for him (though he didn’t exclaim in joy when he opened them).  Of course, he did better than I did and got me lotions, socks, and fuzzy slippers.  I also got a techno-hoodie!  It’s fun.

When Heath brought in my presents to be wrapped, he sent me to the back bedroom to hide while he did it.  He had the girls help him.  When I came out from the back, Keali said, “Mommy.  You are NOT getting fuzzy slippers for Christmas.”  Heath made an exasperated face and Keali quickly calmed him down by saying, “Don’t worry, Daddy.  I told her she WASN’T getting fuzzy slippers.”

Aw, Kids.  It was adorable.


Jennie said...

Awe, gotta love kids. Brianna is starting to walk and is constantly unloading ANYTHING that can be unloaded. I know how the present thing is. Richard bought me WII fit one year and Katherine gave me a really hard hint. "You stand on it and go like this" (made surfing motions). She didn't understand why Richard was so upset. Why are guys so hard to buy for?!?

Starting Over said...

That is so funny...Makenzie has done that for EVERY surprise party Jimmy has thrown for me! I also love how you capitalized 'He Took Me Shoe Shopping'. I'm glad you had a good holiday and anniversary!