Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I’ve really been stinking at this blogging thing this past year.  I am just so busy—and when I’m not busy, I’m trying to spend quality time with my family (or by myself…personal time is severely underrated).

I woke up this morning about 4 am thinking it was Wednesday.  I was really happy about this because Wednesday is the middle of the week—meaning that I only have half a week to go until the weekend (and consequently winter break from work).  I was bummed when I realized we hadn’t yet completed Tuesday.  So here I am.

I’ll be perfectly honest.  I don’t think I’ve done a single work related task today.  My heart just isn’t in it.  I’ve spoken with a few people—mostly catching up on lives and such.  Wait.  I just took a work related phone call and remembered that I did hire a student this morning.  I guess I have done a little bit.

I’m really just ready for 4:30 to roll around so I can go get Kalyn and head home.

My heart is hurting.  Bryan is leaving us tonight. 

Bryan has been living with us for the past couple of months while he completes a half semester class.  He has been such a help watching the kids in the afternoon and it has been nice getting to know him better.  He was young when I left for school so I always just remembered the little smiley blond kid.  He has grown up.  The semester is over now though so he is going back home.  I’ll miss him.  Kynan and Kaci will miss him and regardless of what they say…Kalyn and Keali will miss him too!

Alright.  Now, I am being forced to work so I better sound off.


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