Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do you ever feel as though you are going crazy?

I do. 

All the time.

I sometimes feel myself slipping into my own reality—and occasionally I have trouble remembering if something actually happened or if I just dreamed it.  It seems to be getting worse.  Maybe I should see my therapist again…

Any who

I have the cutest sweetest kids in the world!  Last night, Kaci finished her bottle (I know she is almost 13 months old—I’ve never had a baby on a bottle this long before, but neither she nor her brother have any interest in sippy cups) and then looked at her Uncle Bryan and began waving the empty bottle at him.  A clear demand that she get another one—STAT.  It was adorable.  We will have to curb that though at some point. 

Kynan has this little half-smile he gives me sometimes.  He looks just like Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones.  Heartbreaker.

Keali has the most precious imagination and loves playing with puzzles.  She will create a complete world and carry it completely through. Precious.

Kalyn just wants to snuggle.  She doesn’t think she gets enough Mommy time lately.  I’ll do my best to make it better for her.

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