Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I’ve never been accused of being a good housekeeper.

That being said…you can imagine the state of my home right now.  I wish I was wealthy enough for a housekeeper.  I just can’t believe how filthy a home can get when the people who live in it are hardly ever around!

This last weekend, in between taking care/feeding/playing with Julie’s two ginormous mancoun cats (Leo & Mozart), we jaunted down to Hot Springs to visit the family.  I’ve always wanted to use the word Jaunt.095

Grandpa Hale, and Grandma Linda with the babies.  They were so tired!040

At the church on Labor Day—now you see why I spend have my life terrified.047

My pretty, pretty Kaci (I put this in here for you Patience).048

  Tim and Kynan.  Tim thinks he looks like a gangster. 057

The cutest two babies ever! 070

I LOVE this mischievous grin!079

Kynan with Grandma Felton.  He was dying to get some of her brownie!088

  Kynan standing with Grandpa Ted. 092

Kaci-Bear was super sleepy.  And cranky! 

Aside from the travel and kitty love, Heath and I have been unwell again.  To be fair, in a family as large as ours, is everybody ever healthy at the same time?  I don’t think it is possible.

1 comment:

Belkycita said...

Those pictures are SO cute!! the twins are getting cuter by the minute, I love the chubbyness :-)
..and... you should move to Saudi Arabia, I can get 3 guys to clean EVERYTHING, sweep, mop, wax, vacuum, dust and put away for 2 hours (they do the whole house in 2 hours) for only.....are you ready....$20.00!!!!
Seriously move over here ;-)