Saturday, July 10, 2010

Remember a while ago I was so excited because we found out the Twins got accepted into the program that would help us pay their medical bills?  I was super happy because I had been told it would date back to birth.  Well…it didn’t.  It dated back to November 1st—which was very helpful with the amount of problems Kaci has had—and the ensuing bills…but it did nothing for the helicopter ride, and almost two weeks in the NICU.  At that was A LOT of money!

I spoke with their social worker and for the past couple of months we have been working on getting another type of coverage for the babies that would cover those first two weeks.  I found out today that they were accepted.  And I am happy.  I’ll hold my breath until I get the official letter—but this is one more prayer answered!  Our family has been very blessed.

This past week, Kaci started twitching—think seizure twitches.  She was doing it every few minutes and it would last for 20-40 seconds or so, but it didn’t seem to bother her at all.  Heath and I figured it was probably just another reaction to her medication (the neuro-irritant), but took her to the doctor anyway.  The doctor agreed with us but said that it may be central nervous system based too.  So.  We took Kaci off the medication and she will also have to have a MRI.  Since we took her off the meds, she has stopped shaking (it took a few days to wear off), but we still have to do the MRI as a precaution.  It hasn’t been scheduled yet.  We will have to go to Little Rock to do it since Kaci will need to be sedated.

Other than that—we are all getting over colds (why are we always sick?) and the girls are loving their summer.

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