Thursday, June 10, 2010

You Can’t Reason with Children

Kalyn:  Klarice used to go to my preschool when she was younger.

Melissa:  No.  Klarice didn’t go to your preschool, she went to another one.

Kalyn: Yes she did—she TOLD me!

Melissa:  Who are you going to believe?  Me.  Or Klarice?

Kalyn:  Klarice.  Who do you believe Sissy (to Keali)?

Keali:  Mommy.

Kalyn: Okay.  I believe Mommy too.

Melissa: Alright then.  Some things Klarice tells you are not true.  She did not go to your preschool and her elementary school is NOT haunted by ghosts.

Kalyn: Oh yes it is.  She told me.

Melissa:  She wasn’t telling the truth.  I will always tell you the truth.  There are no ghosts.

Kalyn: Yes there are.  What about when things move when nothing moves them?

Melissa:  Like when the wind blows and moves them?

Kalyn:  No.  When something invisible moves them.

M: Like the WIND?

Kalyn: No.  When someone sprays invisibility spray on themselves.

M: Invisibility spray doesn’t exhist.

K: Yes it does.

Keali: We saw it on Spongebob.

M: Spongebob isn’t real.  He is a cartoon.

K: He is real.  Squidward…well…I haven’t decided if he is real or not yet.

It was at this point I realized I had lost.


On a not so comical note (the previous conversation happened on the way home from t-ball)—Keali was a SUPERSTAR at t-ball tonight!  She walked to home plate by herself.  Hit the ball by herself.  And RAN by herself!  She was amazing!  Kalyn did very well also.  Heath wasn’t there to witness this event, but he is afraid she did so well because he wasn’t there.  I think a full week of basketball camp gave Keali more self-confidence.  Enough to play how we always knew she could at t-ball.  It was great!  I was one proud Momma!


Cheryl said...

HAHAHA! I'm still laughing!

And way to go, Keali!!!

Jennie said...

I've had almost the exact same conversation about what pre-school a girl in Katherine's class went to. I can not for the life of me get her to believe that this girl did not go to pre-school with her. I guess it's in preparation of the teen years.

Jennifer said...

I'm with Kalyn on this - Ghosts are real, as is invisibility spray. Squidward though...well, I'm still on the fence too.

Clare said...

I haven't quite decided if Squidward is real or not either...

Thanks for sharing! That cracked me up!