Saturday, June 5, 2010

We have had a very full day!  I woke up around 6 am—I just wasn’t sleeping well.  I got up and played with the girls for a little while.  I made them pancakes—they love pancakes.  Keali got to choose the color today.  She chose green—not a surprise.  Kalyn used her not-inconsiderable influence over Keali to have her add red to the mix too.  This resulted in a muddy-purple color.  Not appetizing—Heath flat our refused to eat them but they did taste fine.

After we bathed the babies, I went back to sleep.  It’s my vacation after all!  I napped for about an hours then woke up to help with the project of the day. 

The girl’s room.  You should be hearing horror music right about now.

And now here we are.  8:30 pm and almost done with it.  We packed up most of their toys and organized the rest.  Washed sheets and blankets then re-made beds.  Swept, moved furniture, etc.  It was a JOB!  But it finally looks half-way decent.

Heath took Keali shopping this afternoon for food.  Kalyn and I stayed with the babies.  The babies slept, then Kalyn fell asleep.  I decided to clean the kitchen, fold some laundry, and make laundry soap. 

We started making our own laundry soap a couple months ago.  We got the recipe from the Duggar’s website and I have to admit that while I was skeptical in the beginning—I really like this stuff.  It is not difficult to make—you can scent it any way you wish (I choose jasmine), and it lasts a really long time.  All of the ingredients cost us about $10 (Fels-Naptha Soap, Borax, Washing Soda, water), and the borax and washing soda are huge boxes that will last forever.  So cheap!  We mix it up—place it in an old laundry detergent bottle and get 5 bottles of laundry soap for the price of 1!!  It’s great—and it works wonderfully.

We’ve had so much fun playing around and cleaning as a family today (I know!  I can’t believe it either!)—now we are going to watch a movie together and snuggle.  I’ve got chocolate chocolate chip cookies in the oven, a cold jug of milk in the fridge.  Does life get better?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Love a clean house. It feels so good and who can resist warm cookies and super cold milk. Yummy!