Friday, June 4, 2010

Vacation is just hours away!  I was of course, off work Monday for Memorial Day.  I worked Tuesday, but Wednesday was out because Kaci had her swallow study done in Little Rock.  It went how we thought it would.  She is aspirating a bit on thin fluids so we will just have to continue to thicken all liquids.  Kind of gross—but what can be done?
I worked yesterday and today and now I will have all of next week off!  The girls have basketball camp that Heath and I will go to with them (Heath as the AT, me as a curious Mom).  Other than that and a doctor’s appointment for Kaci, I don’t have much planned.  I hope to get some things done around the house, but mostly just rest up for the remainder of my summer.  For a lot of people who work in education, summer is the peaceful time.  My job really doesn’t have a peaceful time, but my most restful time is the end of May and beginning June.  Beginning July 1 I start GHD Training and then I’m in training for about 7 weeks and we open up for the fall semester.  Once fall semester hits, it doesn’t quiet down until December.  I guess it’s a good thing that I love my job and that training is my favorite time of the year!  The only bummer is that it takes away quite a bit of family time.  It also doesn’t mesh really well with Heath’s schedule.  That is one reason why I’m so happy about this vacation.  I’ve never taken a week of vacation before.  I am going to soak up all of this family togetherness!

Our family reunion is at the end of the month and I’m just about prepared for it.  I’m looking forward to seeing the people I don’t get to spend much time with.  I’m not looking forward to having two babies who still don’t sleep through the night in a cabin—but again…what can be done?  At least they are adorable!

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