Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello Kelley!

Just not much to post about lately.  Here is a quick update on everyone:

Heath—car problems.  We’ve had to switch vehicles because it would just be more convenient if the van broke down on campus rather than on the highway.

Me—Four Day Weekend!  I’m taking tomorrow off—maybe we will car shop.  I’m so ready for a break.  4-day weekend, work on Tuesday, off Wednesday (for Kaci), work Thursday & Friday, then off for a week!

Kalyn—LOVING the extra time she gets to spend with Daddy now that pre-school is over.  She has also gotten quite a bit smarter and reminds the family every day that Diet Coke will make you skinny, but Mommy only drinks regular Coke, so that is why she is getting fat.  I can’t help it—Diet Coke makes me sick to my stomach.

Keali—Last day of day-care is tomorrow.  She is so excited to spend some extra time with Daddy.  It is difficult to get her to do anything right now.  You pretty much have to make her do stuff.  Take getting dressed as an example.  She will NOT get herself dressed.  Heath and I have to physically dress her if we want to take her out of the house.  She is getting a little bratty.

Kynan—REFUSES TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT.  This is one of the only areas Kaci is better than him—she sleeps.  He doesn’t.  Still—can I get too upset when he giggles and grins at me?  Not really.  The other day I went to change his diaper.  He giggled as I started to get near his diaper.  Silly boy.  Then he giggled harder as I pulled the tabs off.  As I pulled the diaper away and realized he had left a present inside he busted into full blown laughter.  Yup.  He is Heath’s son.  If there was any question before—Kynan proved it with that little stunt.  Oh—and he almost weighs 21 pounds.  The doctor isn’t worried about his weight—she just calls him Thick.

Kaci—What can I say about my delicate little girl?  She is having a swallow study done in Little Rock on Wednesday.  We are trying to figure out why she has such rattley lungs.  We are also going to visit a pediatric neurologist in the next few weeks.  She may be having seizures—and she has lost almost all trunk control (not that she ever had much).  She is a floppy little baby.  It is nice when we are cuddling because she just forms herself into our bodies.  But it is very upsetting that she isn’t progressing as she should be.  Hopefully we can get it all figured out and taken care of.

Okay.  That’s the quick update!


Jennifer said...

I wish they had Diet Coke IVs that they could just attach to me...I love the stuff.

Cheryl said...

I hope things get sorted out for Kaci soon so she can get to feeling better!

And good luck with the car shopping!