Saturday, May 29, 2010

The van-hunt was successful!  Though not without some disappointment.

The first van we looked at had everything we needed and looked amazing.  The price wasn’t the best, but it was workable.  As we inspected it though, Heath found a HUGE and FURRY deposit of mold growing in the built-in child safety seat.  Nope.  I know that stuff can be cleaned, but I really don’t even want to take the chance with my precious Kaci’s lungs.

Second van—wasn’t there.

Third van—was okay—except the air conditioner couldn’t blow air faster than a fly, so that was out. 

Then I fell in love.  With a 1997 Chevy Explorer conversion van.  I’m not kidding.  It was brown/tan/khaki and I loved it.  It was so spacious and comfortable.  It had a 13 inch television, VCR (we would have to change to a DVD), the back seat folded down into a bed and there was plush carpeting throughout.  Mood lights were set in the ceiling and wall and she drove like a dream.

Heath made fun of me the whole time, but I LOVE that van!  The price was amazing too.

Unfortunately, it was a bit older than we wanted and not at all practical for Heath’s work. Boo Hoo!

Heath found one final van on the internet for us to check out.  It is a 2006 Pontiac Montana—brown (pretty brown), and perfect for our family.  We got a great deal on it and now have a new to us van!  Buh-by ugly green Ford Windstar!

Since we got the car shopping out of the way yesterday, today was a lazy day.  We got up late (anytime after 7 am is late for us), lounged for a while, then headed off to the happiest place on earth (known to most as Hobby Lobby.)  We picked up stuff so I could make a few items for the family reunion auction coming up. 

After that we grocery shopped then Heath dropped the babies and I off at home while he and the girls went on a date.  I began working on my project for the reunion and finished three of them!  I have to say… I LOVE how they turned out!  I’d post pictures, but several of my loyal readers will be at the reunion and I don’t want to spoil the surprise.  Let’s just say that I think they will fetch a decent price!  (The earnings of the auction go towards paying for the reunion each year, so it is for a great cause!)

I made a spaghetti dinner for my family, Heath’s parents, Devin and Holly and now Heath is off watching UFC fights at Uppercrust Pizza with his brothers and I’m about to attempt bedtime with the girls. 

It has been a WONDERFUL day!  I’m looking forward to church tomorrow and Memorial Day Monday. 

I’m proud to have had both of my wonderful Grandpa’s be veterans.  Grandpa Hale was in the Air Force.  Grandpa Jensen was in the Army.  I also have a super cool Uncle Randy in the Army, and a cousin-in-law in the Army as well (I’ve never met him, but I’m proud anyway)!  These men and women are so brave and loving to do what they do, or to have done what they did for our nation. 

One of the girls at work had her fiancé deployed in Afghanistan.  He was injured this past week and is in critical condition.  He will have life long effects if he survives.  Thankfully he has been flown back to the US and is receiving the best treatment, but it is a reminder of how much our service men and women give to us.  My thoughts and prayers are with Cassie and Levi.  May God protect you as well as our fellow brothers and sisters in harms way.

1 comment:

Belkycita said...

Man you guys do car shopping SO fast!!!
I'm jealous.