Thursday, April 22, 2010

My trip to California was great!  I left early Monday morning.  I went with my supervisor Julie to a Strengths Quest Educators Seminar.  We arrived in the afternoon and picked up our rental car—what else but a convertible?!  In my opinion it was a bit cool to be driving around in a convertible, but I wasn’t the driver so… :)

We didn’t have anything to do Monday, so we took a drive down the PCH and stopped at Crystal Cove to gaze at the ocean for a bit.  It was absolutely beautiful!  I’ve been to the ocean a few times before—I won’t get in anymore (long story), but I love looking at it and hearing the waves crash.

Monday evening we went to PF Changs—YUMMY!  Julie and I were both so excited to go since there isn’t one very close by where we live.  The food was really good.  I was so tired I went to bed fairly early.

Tuesday we got up and went to our seminar.  It was amazing!  Tom Matson, the leader was so funny and fun to talk to.  It was a very interactive presentation and the day went by very quickly.  Tuesday night we went to Tapas for dinner.  It was so good.  We had some mac and cheese made with shells, manchego and goat cheese.  I haven’t ever had mac and cheese that good before!

We stayed up a bit later Tuesday night and I didn’t sleep very well.  Bad dreams. 

Wednesday we finished our seminar—very good.  I learned a lot and was able to understand a lot better the concept of strengths.  I’m happy I went.

We spent Wednesday afternoon and evening flying home—then driving.  I got home a bit after 1 am this morning.  I helped Heath get the kids ready for school this morning, then he let me go back to bed while he took the kids.  I had a dental appointment to get my permanent crown, then we shopped for a bit. 

This afternoon I picked the kids up then decided to surprise Heath at work.  We all enjoyed spending the extra time together and now I am ready for bed again!

Enjoy the pictures!




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Clare said...

i cant believe how big kynan and kaci have gotten! too adorable!

Markell said...

Oh, a vacation. Almost makes me want to drive the 4-5 hours to the beach. Well, almost. :)

Jennie said...

The pictures were so cute!

Belkycita said...

Look at you in that car!!!!

You're kids are too cute! and oh they are growing like crazy!!!!!