Saturday, April 24, 2010

I bought a netti pot yesterday.  I have friends who have used them for years and swear by them.  My allergies have been getting worse the past couple of weeks so I thought I may as well try it out.  It can’t hurt right?

I absolutely love it.  I think it is too soon to tell if it is helping, but I feel better after I use it.  Heath is horrified.  Kalyn and Keali are disgusted.  It’s rather a disgusting process—but I do feel better!

This morning I was a single mom while Heath was at a conference.  I got up with the babies all night so Heath could sleep (I know!  I’m the best wife ever!)—and since they got their 6 month shots yesterday they were plenty cranky all night. 

Kalyn and Keali almost never had bad reactions to shots.  Kynan and Kaci though have been running fevers since yesterday and Heaven help you if you touch their legs in the wrong way.  They’ve both been cranky today and extra snuggly.  Poor babies!

Kynan now weighs 19 lbs 4 oz.  Kaci is 17 lbs 8 oz.  They are getting so big!  Both are completely on the charts for normal 6 month olds—though Kaci is only barely on there with her head circumference.  They are both still significantly delayed developmentally, but the doctor assures us that by two years old they will have caught up.  I hope so.  It is so hard to have delayed children after having had two advanced children.  So many comparisons. 

Anyway…Patience came over late morning and managed to help me get the girl’s room clean—with very little help from the girls.  I am so thankful for PBs help.  She is a lifesaver and I love spending time with her.  You are the best Patience!

Heath was able to come home early from his conference, so he has been spending time with the kids.  I got to take a nap this afternoon (Yay!) and then took Kynan on a Mommy-Bubby Date to Krogers for some supplies for lunch tomorrow.  I was planning on making chicken spaghetti, but I think I forgot to get the cheese.  Hmmmmm.

Over-all a great day and clean sinuses!  Gross!


Jennifer said...

What's a Neti Pot?

Markell said...

I've never tried a nettie pot but I've heard they are wonderful. Glad to hear it works for you!