Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My boss gave me and my co-area coordinators a day off today for AC Appreciation.  So, I asked Heath to get the babies and girls up, dressed, and off to school so I could sleep in.  Well, the babies were angry so I ended up getting up anyway and helping Heath get everyone ready.  When he took them I went back to sleep for three glorious hours! 

While I was getting the babies ready for a bath, I overheard this conversation between Kalyn and Keali.

Kalyn: “Keali, why are you being such a bratty girl?”

Keali:  “I don’t know.”

Kalyn: “Sweetie, why are you sad?  Is there something missing in your life?”

(let me interject by saying I have never heard a child as another child that question.)

Keali: “Yes.”

I had to walk away just then so I didn’t catch the rest of the chat, but Kalyn came into my room shortly after to tell me that Keali had something missing in her life and together they had finally figured out that it was new nail polish on her hands.  I was asked to please paint Keali’s finger nails tonight and that if I did, it would help Keali not be a ‘bratty girl’ anymore.

Okay then.

I love my kids.  They have their moments when I just want to go into my room and never come out again, but for the most part I think they are wonderfully sweet and astute children.

Kaci is starting to teeth now and has been screaming non-stop.  She started gnawing on her fists yesterday so I guess a tooth isn’t far away.  Why do they have to grow up so quickly?

Kalyn and Keali never really were bothered by teething.  Kalyn never fussed and Keali only fussed a little.  Kynan and Kaci though…well, you’d think they were being tortured.  Very dramatic.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

That conversation makes me laugh! Don't we all have "something missing" in our lives. My tends to be sleep and a clean house. I'm glad you were able to get some extra sleep. Sounds like you could use it!