Friday, April 16, 2010

It has been a very long day.  It began at just after 1 am this morning.  I was called and informed that one of our students had been shot.  As I was the Area Coordinator on duty, I got to be the on-campus contact for my department.  I was in near constant communication with my superiors for the remainder of the night and of course throughout today.

How terrifying. 

I don’t understand why things like this happen.  My heart is so heavy for the family of the victim—he is not expected to live much longer.  It is a scary scary world we live in. 

Of course the babies had to wake up and eat in the midst of my phone calls.  I held Kynan while I fed him and just looked at him and held him so close.  Life is sacred and I think we all take it for granted.


Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry. For you, the student, and his family.

jennifer rogers said...

oh that is SO sad, such a young life taken way too early.