Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I’ve been unable to go to work the last few days.  Sunday night I picked up some shoes and did something to my back.  I didn’t sleep at all that night because of the pain.

Monday morning, Heath took me to the doctor.  About 4 1/2 years ago, I herniated a disc in my lower back. The doctor thinks that I’ve aggravated it again and prescribed a few days of bed rest along with pain medication, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, and steroids. 

All of that has helped a lot, but I am still in quite a bit of pain/discomfort.  The combination of drugs knocks me out and makes me spacey.  I’ve gotten a lot of sleep since Monday!  Not complaining about that.  Heath has been having to do pretty much everything.  I can hold and feed the babies, but I can’t carry them at all.  I hope to be able to go to work tomorrow.  I think I’ll be okay.  I’m a little nervous about having to pick up the babies after work, but I’ll make it.

Kaci had to go to the doctor again.  She has reflux pretty bad.  The medicine she has taken for the past couple months isn’t working at all anymore and she has stopped gaining weight because of all the spitting up she does.  We got her on yet another medication in addition to all the others.  Hopefully this will work.  It is strange to me that one of the twins is so strong and healthy and the other isn’t.  The difference in size/weight between the two is shocking.  It’s like holding a peach and a cherry.

They are precious babies though.


Markell said...

I'm sorry you're not doing well. I know how much back problems can affect everything! I was in a car accident when Christina was 6 months old and did a number on my back. I just remember lying on the couch unable to do much of anything.

Thank goodness for visiting teachers who didn't listen when I told them I didn't need help. They came and cleaned up my kitchen which I still am so grateful for! Some day maybe I'll get better at asking for help.

Hope you have good visiting teachers and family to help!

Jennie said...

I hope your back starts feeling better. Those blasted Hale genes!

Cheryl said...

I hope you and Kaci both get feeling way better ASAP!