Thursday, March 11, 2010

I wrote a little while ago about my cousin who keeps a blog of Joyful Moments.

Before I leave for my conference this weekend, I wanted to share my Joyful Moment from yesterday.

Heath got home from work early again (yeah!) and mentioned that we still needed to purchase a gift for Klarice—her birthday party is Saturday.  I was bummed because all I wanted to do was pack and go to bed.  SO TIRED!  But he was right.  We needed to do it.

So we went to the store with four kids—four of whom were not interested in being joyful creatures.  It really wasn’t a bad trip, but it did have its moments.

At the check out line, I looked back at Heath—he had been pushing the cart with the twins.  He was leaning over them and BOTH were grinning and cooing at him!  This is the first time I have seen that and it really warmed me up and made me very happy.

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I bet it was adorable! Way to go finding joy in a not so great situation--I know how tough that can be.