Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am so busy!!

This weekend (Thursday thru Sunday) I will be out at a placement exchange for work.  Heath will be a single Dad for a few days.  We’ll see how he does!

I’ve been working for a couple months to get ready for this, but I feel like it has sped up on me and I’m nowhere near prepared.  Tomorrow is really the last chance I have to finish things up and I’m afraid we will be leaving with plenty more still to do.  I could delegate, but I’m not sure I trust anyone else to do it the way I want it done.

Last year when we did this, I took my co-worker Mark, and one of my grad students with me.  This year, my supervisor Julie, and two of my grad students are going.  We have had a couple planning/training meetings so I know the grads are prepared.  It is all the other stuff that goes along with it.  Cards, letters, packets. 

I will miss my babies and girls SO MUCH while I am gone.  But I would be LYING if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to three nights of uninterrupted  sleep.  I am SO EXCITED about this!  It is number one on my excitement chart for this trip.  Number two is eating meals that I neither have to prepare or clean up after and number three is doing one of my favorite parts of my job—recruiting!

Wanna hear something shocking?

Kalyn and Keali BOTH know how to clean. 

Wanna know how I know this?

I saw them do it at their respective schools. 

I was completely shocked.  They don’t pick up at home.  I always assumed that they just didn’t know how to do it.  I’ve tried to teach them for years—to no avail.  I’ve tried rewards, games, and even bribes.  Doesn’t work for me. 

According to Ms. Brenda and Ms. Theresa—Kalyn and Keali clean up every day and do it without complaint.  What is their secret?  They won’t tell me.  They say they can’t imagine while the girls don’t help out at home with keeping their room picked up.  I think it’s because they are eager to please their teachers—and they don’t care so much about pleasing me.  They know I have to love them no matter what.

Kaci continues to be a happy sweet baby!  Such a change and so wonderful!  I am happy she is feeling so much better.

Kynan is a little giggle-puss.  He has the happiest smile and cutest laugh.  He also smirks.  It is absolutely the cutest thing ever!  He knows he’s a little hunk!  He plays it up.  I love that guy!

Heath has been able to come home earlier than usual the past little while.  It is so nice to have help putting the girls to bed and getting to spend some extra time with my sweetie.  We still stay exhausted most of the time (hence the excitement about my mini-vaca). 

This past weekend was AMAZING.  It was warm and sunny outside.  We took the girls out to ride on the bicycles they got for their birthdays (I forgot to take any pictures).  The weather was perfect and we enjoyed them riding, then we went to the playground and they got to play for a while.  Perfect.

Sunday was beautiful too, but my back was injured again when I took Kalyn to bear her testimony at church.  She pulled and hung off my arm the whole way up—refused to open her mouth, and then did it again all the way back to our seats.  I took some pain meds after we got home from church and we went over to my in-laws.

Just as I was slipping into a drug induced oblivion (ahhhhh.  sweet naps), when I saw Keali trip.  When she got up, she was bleeding.  I looked at her face and saw a deep gash just above her lip.  I yelled for Heath.  He came, took a look and said we needed to go to the hospital.

We left Kalyn with her Mamaw—she was very worried and called us about four times while we were gone to check up on Keali.  Keali ended up getting dermabond on her upper lip to close the wound and she is doing well.  She is three.  Of course she is picking and touching it.  I hope it heals well, but I don’t think it will.  We have already bought the Mederma for when it heals up.  Poor baby.  Heath is really upset about it.  Keali’s perfect face has a mar on it.  I hope it all turns out okay.


Markell said...

Daniel still has a scar on his face from an accident he had just before he turned two. I blamed myself for it for a long time but there really was nothing I could have done for it.

It's getting much less noticeable with each year and going lighter too. His is just below his mouth and needed 14 stitches. It will get better. Just remember to always put sun screen on it when it heals. It helps a lot with the scaring.

Cheryl said...

I'm so happy that Kaci is feeling so much better and that you get to get some sleep!!

So sorry to hear about Keali, though! I'm pretty sure I heard that kids don't scar as much as adults. I bet she'll be fine.