Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My cousin has a blog where she writes about joyful moments in her day.  I’m a decently negative person—I tend to only remember the bad things that happen to me in a day, but I’ve been trying to recognize my joyful moments when they happen in hopes that I will have a happier day.  The recorded joyful moment below actually did help my day!  I was able to put the girls to bed without fuss, and without my blood pressure rising.

I do love my kids.  They seem to be on my nerves more than usual lately.  I’m not sure what has changed about me to make this so—Heath keeps reminding me that they are 5 and 3 and are supposed to behave (or misbehave) the way they do. 

Tonight after work, I picked Kalyn and Keali up.  I needed to go to the store to buy Pedialite (Kaci is sick…again!).  I told Kalyn we were going and she (so innocently) told me she wanted me to have “peace and quiet time” and it would be best if I just dropped her and Keali off atMamaw’s house for a while. 

I took the girls with me to Target and we picked up what we needed to.  They weren’t great, but they weren’t terrible either.  Then we picked up the babies and Kalyn and Keali didn’t throw a big fit that I wouldn’t let them stay very long at their Grandparent’s.  Papaw had a procedure done earlier in the day and I am sure he needed a break!

We came home and I fed the kids—corn dogs.  I’m such a good Mom!  But, it is easy and fast—the kids will eat it—and I suppose it is better than feeding them ice cream and cake.  They ate and took their bath while I tried for an hour and a half to feed and care for two precious newborns who want nothing more in the world than to be held.  By themselves. By their Mommy.  Who only has two arms.  They had to make do with taking turns because my arms got too tired holding them both at once.  They are getting so heavy!

Finally, Kynan and Kaci were calm enough for me to put to bed, then I got my concert.  I have to admit.  It was the highlight of my day.  Those voices melt my heart…and the girls are pretty stinkin cute too.  When the camera shakes, that is me laughing while filming.  I couldn’t help it.

Oh.  I should add—that isn’t a speech impedement.  That is Kalyn “stylizing” the song.


1 comment:

Belkycita said...

Your girls are WAYY to cute! and Kalyn cracks me UP!!