Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I survived “Single Mom Weekend 2010.”  I’m so happy! 

Heath left early Friday morning so I had all four kids to myself from Friday evening until Monday evening when he returned.  Everyone is still alive and relatively unharmed!  Just kidding.  Everyone is fine. 

I’m so proud of myself.  I know that plenty of women take care of their children day in and day out without the help of their spouses…or maybe the dad isn’t in the picture.  But for myself, I know this is a big accomplishment.  I don’t have much patience.  I have a short temper at times and my kids are not the best behaved in the world.

I was able to enjoy this weekend though and the time with my children.  Friday afternoon I took the babies to their 4 month check up.  Kynan is completely on the charts for a normal 4 month old—fairly small, but on the charts none the less!  Kaci is on the charts for the girls in everything but her head size.  She is much smaller than Kynan, but is doing well.  Kynan now weights in at 13 lbs. 3 oz while Kaci is 11 lbs 15 oz.  The difference feels much heavier though!

Both babies got three shots and an oral vaccine.  They were NOT happy campers.  Kaci screamed so hard that she broke the capillaries in her face.  Poor baby.

Friday evening, we all got in bed at 7:30!!!!  We were all asleep by 8.  I was so tired.  It was a good thing I went to bed so early though because the twins reverted to newborns and woke up every three hours to eat!  What?!  Yuck.  At least they ate quickly.

Saturday I did some cleaning around the house and we just hung out and played.  We also went to Little Luke’s birthday party.

Sunday morning, my Mother-In-Law came over and helped me get the kids ready for church.  I was very thankful that she did because Kalyn and Keali didn’t want to cooperate.  Then all the girls stayed with Julia while Kynan and I went home to do some laundry.

Monday morning I woke up a half hour earlier to get everyone fed/bathed/dressed for school and I took all four to their schools.  I was so proud of myself.

So…after the whole weekend, how many temper-tantrums or break downs did I have?  NONE!!  It was great!  Kalyn and Keali were as well behaved as they ever get and were actually helpful at times.  Kynan and Kaci, with the exception of needing to eat constantly were good too.  It was a nice weekend.

Good luck to Heath in March when I leave him to be a single Dad for a weekend!


Belkycita said...

I've done weekends and whole weeks before on my own, but I only had two little ones not FOUR!!!!
Wow, I feel it for Heath already.

Best of the Best said...

Way to go!!! I don't know if I would have lasted with two new borns. I'm very impressed!!!

Jennie said...

Wow that sounds very overwhelming. I'm amazed that you did and everything went so well. It's days that I'm alone that my kids become their worst. It's like they know dad won't be home to lay the smack down.