Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I cannot believe my babies are four months old already!  They are so huge now compared to how tiny they were when they were born.  Those first weeks are still a blur.  I can’t believe how much has happened in such a short time.  We have been very blessed.

The babies are behaving almost like 2 month olds.  They are developmentally delayed for their birth age.  They are starting to smile and laugh.  It is a beautiful sound! 

Both babies ADORE their Daddy, and do their very best to ignore me!  Why do all of my children do that?  I don’t know.  I guess it is because they have such a fun Pop.  He adores them too and I am sure that helps!  Not that I don’t adore them—I’ve just never been as good with babies as Heath is.

They are growing so fast.  It’s getting harder and harder to carry both car seats at once.  Kynan is a chunky monkey for sure.  Someone told me a few days ago that he has a very expressive face.  I don’t remember who said it (totally sleep deprived), but I think she is right.  He has large eyes and a ready smile.  So special!

Kaci.  Well…she has had a bit of a harder time in life than Kaci, but she is coming along splendidly!  She has the sweetest little smile when you can get it out of her.  She seems to be in her own “baby world” more than Kynan is, but she loves being held and is in awe of her Papaw!  She lights up whenever he has her.  She gets excited when people get close to her and kicks her pudgy legs out to get attention.  Super cute.

Mamaw and Papaw had eye doctor appointments the other day and they took the twins with them.  They said that the office shut down while everyone adored and oogled over the babies!  I can’t blame them.  They are pretty stinkin’ cute.

We are so thankful to have these precious souls in our family.  Whenever I get over-stressed, I remember something a stranger told me a few weeks ago.  She saw me with the twins and Kalyn and Keali.  She told me it could always be worse.  She was a triplet and her mother had a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old when she and her sisters were born.  Yeah.  Twins, a 3 and a 5 year old must be a picnic compared to 5 kids under 3!!!

Enjoy some pictures from their 3 month photo shoot and their 4 month photo shoot and some in between.


Boy and Girl Monkeys.026

So sweet!042

Kynan with Papaw.082

Kaci Bear sleeping.  088



Look how little!106

He is such a handsome happy baby boy.  107

Don’t you agree?119

She is such a cute but unhappy baby! 139

It is very rare to get a picture of Kaci not crying, so here are a few gems!141

She is so pretty and sweet!148

I could just nibble on those cheeks all day!149

Love this girl!159

My future Red Wolf! 162

I think he looks so athletic in his ASU football jersey!171

Out of our four children, Kynan is our only thumb sucker.  173

I think it is adorable!  …for now… 186

My babies together.174

It’s hard to tell from these pictures, but Kynan’s head is so much bigger than Kaci’s.177

I just love them to pieces.185

I couldn’t be happier! 


Jennie said...

Kynan looks like the football stud with his cheerleader sister! It's so cute. I agree that Kynan is very expressive. Each picture is so different from the one before. They are cuties. The horror of having 5 kids under 3. I don't know how she survived or even enjoyed her children.

Belkycita said...

They're SO big!!!!

man, that story really puts things tn perspective ;-)