Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Save Me From Tattle-Tales!!

Seriously.  Somewhere, Kalyn and Keali learned how to tattle on each other.  And they tattle about EVERYTHING.  Even the stuff that doesn’t matter.  Then they go back to each other and say, “I told on you…and you’re gonna get in trouble!”  I’m sick of it but I don’t know what else to do but tell them to mind their own business and stop pestering each other.

I swear Kynan grew an inch and gained 2 lbs while I was at work today.  He just looks like a completely different baby to me for some reason.  Still super cute though.

It is frigidly cold outside.  In the teens—it rarely gets this cold in NE Arkansas.  We are getting an “Arctic Outburst” according to the weather channel.  I don’t know what an arctic outburst is but it sounds cool and so I’ve been sharing my newfound intelligence with everyone and they agree it is the neatest term they’ve heard in a while.

They are predicting 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow night.  That is a lot for our area and enough to shut down pretty much everything for a day or two.  People are really excited about the possibility of a snow day.  I don’t know how I feel about it.  Being back at work is good for my head—it gets me thinking about different things and I can work off some of my obsessive thoughts.  I like the break.  Of course, I miss my kids like crazy and I know I am missing out on so much with them.  Why can’t we be independently wealthy?  Anyone want to throw a couple million our way?  I tried to talk my director into giving me a $10,000 raise, but something tells me he isn’t going to go for it.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

If you're having an "arctic outburst", I wonder what we're having? They're predicting -30 today and -40 tomorrow. I can't even comprehend what that feels like. And I'm certainly not going outside to find out.

Bryce has started tattling on Kayli. Only it's complete lies. So, I've started ignoring the tattles. As in pretending that he didn't say anything at all. That probably wouldn't work for most kids (Kayli would just get really mad if I ignored something she said), but so far seems to be working for him.