Monday, January 4, 2010


I’m back at work this morning.  I woke up bright and early—and didn’t want to get up!  But I had no choice, so I got out of bed, switched out the laundry (Heath stayed up super late last night doing a ton of housework including most of the laundry), and got the girls up.  They too didn’t want to wake up, but ultimately did—and with pretty good attitudes!

We all got to school/work on time and with very little frustration.  Then I heard something that really set my day off in a bad way.

One of the girls who works in my office has a husband in the military.  He is being deployed in two weeks and she is having a hard time with it.  I can’t blame her.  It is very difficult to be separated from a spouse—I know.  I’ve never had to be separated from one who was risking his life for his country though—so I really admire her strength.  We were talking about how she is going to make it through the next year. 

Blair (the girl) said that she is going to think in terms of mortgage payments rather than days.  For example.  Only 11 more mortgage payments rather than 365 days until she sees her husband again.  I thought that was great and it sounds like a lot less time that way.  Another person asked if the military paid their mortgage while the husband was a way, and she answered the question and listed off a few things that the military will take care of.  Then she hesitated and said that they didn’t know if the military would continue to provide health insurance.  Apparently, part of this new health plan that the President is trying to pass includes a section where our service men and women have to pay for their own health insurance—even if they are injured while protecting our country!!!! 

Now.  I really hope that this information is accurate.  I haven’t been following the health plan nonsense much because I don’t care for it and I admit that I am very uninformed on the specifics.  So I hope that this is wrong.  If what I was told is correct though!!!!  How can we ask men and women to risk their lives and well being to protect our country—and then NOT pay for their health insurance!  It is beyond my comprehension.

Please—if anyone knows more about this and can give me a kindergarten level evaluation of it—please do it!

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