Saturday, January 23, 2010

I feel as though all the exhaustion from the past three months has caught up to me this past week.  I am just so tired!  I can’t seem to do anything but want to sleep—and though I am getting plenty of sleep in terms of hours, I am not feeling rested ever. 

I feel so behind on everything.  I know I will catch up eventually, but I don’t like not being on top of things.

Last night was nice.  After a tiring day/week, my friend Patience came over and hung out with me and the kids for a few hours.  It was good to have adult company!  The kids adore 'Miss Patience’ and loved playing with her.  Keali finally opened up to her too.  She was super cute!

Kynan and Kaci are both congested and have coughs.  I’m a bit concerned, but they don’t seem to be getting any worse so hopefully we can avoid serious illness. 

Today will be spent ‘catching up’ with laundry and quality time with the family.  I wish we were independently wealthy and could spend all our time together!

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