Monday, January 25, 2010

Guess who’s sick again!

Kaci and Kynan both have horrible coughs.  We were worried so Heath took them to the doctor this morning.  The doctor said they have the same thing, but because Kaci’s lungs are so much more fragile, it is hitting her harder.  Luckily the pneumonia has not yet infiltrated her lungs so she doesn’t have to have anti-biotics and are currently avoiding hospitalization.

They gave her a breathing treatment in the doctor’s office and this time she didn’t tank, so now we have an inhaler for her.  Hopefully she can kick this on her own! 

Still so tired!  Work was crazy today because I had to run around getting Kaci’s medications and some supplies for the twins.  I am also in the midst of solving some serious problems (not of my doing, but I get to fix them anyway) and people are not happy with me. 

Any thoughts from those of you with lots of children on how to keep the older ones away from the younger ones?  I really need Kalyn and Keali to give Kynan and Kaci some space.  I think the babies would enjoy it and I know it would calm me down a lot!

Saturday afternoon we got a “new to us” couch from my friend April.  We moved our old (huge) couch to storage until we find someone to give it to.  The new one fits much better in our apartment and looks really good.  It is my style of couch by the way!  Heath isn’t in love with the style, but he views this as his opportunity to get a recliner so he isn’t at all unhappy.  Thanks April and Jeremy!

We spent a lovely Sunday visiting old friends at our old church in Benton.  Then we headed to Hot Springs to visit a while with my family.  It was nice to see them again and to visit.  We haven’t been down there in probably over a year—certainly not since I got pregnant with the twins.  It was a LONG day, but I enjoyed it.


Jennie said...

I'm sorry the twins are sick. I don't really have any recommendations on how to keep the older ones away. We've just told the girls that we don't want the baby to get so sick she has to go to the hospital and the girls don't want to get sick either. It ends up working out. I hope everyone recovers soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

We recieved the baby announcement. It was so cute! I'm impressed that you were able to make your own while dealing with twins, two other girls and working. I couldn't do it and I only had one baby AND I even worked at a scrapbooking store!

Belkycita said...

I guess I broke the rules because I always put Victoria in her bouncer up on the counter, where Elena could see her but not touch her.
Although I have to add I am a strict mean person that does NOT allow her poor little ones to climb on the chairs, only on the couch :-(
So if you are up for being mean and breaking the rules, try it :-)

Markell said...

I know it's hard when the older kids want to help but aren't really helping. I've been trying to think of what we did when we were there. (It does get better and they do eventually get big enough to really help). I know that even sending them for diapers, bottles, etc. so they think they're helping does help. Maybe they could help fold baby blankets or give them toys to wash with a small bucket of water in the bathtub (to control the splashes) so they are "helping" in their own way. They may get a little wet but you could always put them in their swimming suits (or birthday suits) to do this.

I can only imagine trying to keep two babies away! You're doing a great job! Things will get better as the babies get older and can defend themselves more. Sometimes putting a movie on or having special toys that come out only when you need to spend time just with the babies is worth it too.