Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

It’s been a crazy week.  I really don’t remember much of it—every day seems to have been similar to the day before.  My two weeks of winter break are almost over and it will be back to work for me on Monday. 

Christmas was nice.  We spent Christmas Eve at Heath’s parents.  We open our presents Christmas Eve (only Santa leaves presents on Christmas day) and all of the kids who can get together.  This year we were only missing Ronnie Jr., Richie, Debi, and Kylee.  The house was SO crowded, but that is how we like it!

I love it when our whole family gets together.  This year we had

Papaw, Mamaw, Heath, Me, Kalyn, Keali, Kynan, Kaci, Brad, Melissa (the other one), Devin, Holly, Slade, Tim, Shannon, Matt, Meagan, Lucas, Jaime, Klarice, Luke, and Kreston.  It was great!  The kids were so cute opening their gifts.  Screaming with joy that they got just what they wanted.  Kalyn even said, “I’m the luckiest girl” after opening a Superman t-shirt from my friend April.  They were so cute.

I got a Wii Fit Plus.  When I opened that Lucas said, “If Jaime got me that…I’d be offended!”  I wasn’t offended.  I was thrilled!  I’ve been wanting one and Heath has been wanting one too (Heath gave it to me).  We’ve been using it so much and that thing is great!  Last night we picked up The Biggest Loser for Wii.  That is no joke.  I’m super sore today! 

We got all sorts of great things.  I didn’t get the usual socks from my in-laws.  I was a little disappointed, but I got a picture tote bag that I’m looking forward to using.  And…Heath knew I had been looking forward to socks so he bought me 6 pairs of AWESOME socks!  I love them!  I am a sock person.  I love socks.

I got a gorgeous piece of pottery from Tim and Shannon.  Shannon made it herself.  I can’t even begin to imagine how she did it—it is beautiful.  I can’t decide if I want to keep it on display at home and risk it getting broken, or take it to my office.  I think I’ll take it to my office.  It’ll fit right in with the decor.

We got the girls digital cameras and an MP3 player.  They have been snapping pictures and listening to music ever since.  So cute when they start dancing.  Kynan and Kaci got some cute baby things.  Blankets, bibs, rattles, and toys.  The best part though was just getting to hang out with family.

Christmas day we again went to my in-laws and just relaxed.  People came and went all day and it was nice. 

We’ve spent the days since shopping, playing with the Wii, spending time with family, and watching season 5 of The Office, and season 1 of Glee.  Happy times!

I’ve also started nesting!  A few months too late, but my home is reaping the benefits anyway.  I’ve been getting lower levels of patience, so Heath has taken the kids out a few times to give me time to de-stress.  I’ve managed to de-stress by cleaning and thinking. 

I’m close to an emotional breakdown according to my psychologist.  Apparently, I’ve had moderate anxiety for the better part of my life (I thought it was normal, or at least little quirks about me).  The birth of the twins have made it worse—not having them around—the actually birth was very traumatic physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

I’ve become very anxious about certain things and very obsessive about others.  Things that I don’t want to be obsessive about.  I always have to think through situations to overcome them—but I haven’t been able to finalize my thoughts on a few different subjects since October.  The stress isn’t good for me—and certainly isn’t good for my family!  I always feel better after some quiet time.  I have the best husband!  He realizes this and helps me out so much.

Here are some pictures from the past little while.  Enjoy!

134How Kynan spends a good chunk of his time.


How Kaci spends a good chunk of her time.

009The Monday before Christmas, Mom came to visit.

    016 017 025

029This is really how Keali sleeps!

 047 049 057 058 060 063 066 069 070 072 078 081 082 083 090 092 094 096 099 102 103 104  108

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I got biggest looser for Christmas too! I LOVE it. It's amazing how they find the workouts to optimize soreness. I'm really excited about it. I already lost 1 pound and that's while eating all the holiday goodies. My girls love our wii fit plus. It's so much fun to watch them play. I haven't been able to really use it since we got it while I was huge and preggo. I'm just now able to really exercise. Hope you enjoy them all too.