Thursday, December 10, 2009

We brought Kaci home today!  Her doctor said that her chest x-ray this morning showed her lungs are starting to clear up and she has been doing really well without her oxygen.  We just have to keep her on the apnea monitor and keep giving her the caffeine she has taken since she was born. 

It is nice to be home again.  The girls will be excited when I pick them up from school.  I wish Heath didn’t have to work this afternoon.  It would have been nice to spend some time together as a family, but I guess that will wait until Sunday.

Okay.  Since all of you did such a great job praying for Kaci while she was in the hospital and for both babies when they were born, I have another favor to ask.  My cousin-in-law’s son Luke is very sick and had brain surgery this morning.  He could really use your prayers too.  He is just a baby—five months old.  Such a sweetie!


Jennie said...

I'm glad you all get to be together again!

Cheryl said...

I'm so happy for you that you get to go home!

We'll say a prayer for little Luke. It's so sad when babies have to endure so much.

Jennie said...

I love your new pictures on the side. It nice that you get to transition to work a little. Who's going to watch your twins while you are gone? I'm sure your girls are just struggling with how much you've been gone. Good luck with the girls' issues. Clara is FINALLY starting to get better about her problems with not getting the attention she feels like she needs.