Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nothing Short Of A Miracle

Once a day we have been turning off Kaci’s oxygen to see how she does without it.  She will do fine for a few minutes, then her saturation level goes down.  A good level is 94 and above.  If she goes below 94 and stays below for a little while, the oxygen goes back on and we try again the next day.

This is one of the reasons we stayed in the hospital so long after she and Kynan were born—she just couldn’t keep her saturation levels high enough. 

Last night around 7:45 we (I always say ‘we’ because even though we are in the hospital and Kaci has nurses and respiratory therapists, I do pretty much everything in the way of caring for her) turned her oxygen off to test.  She has been sat-ing in the high 90s ever since!!  A HUGE step in getting to finally go home!

We are waiting for the doctor to do rounds for the day—but I wouldn’t be surprised if we got to go home tomorrow!!  Heath thinks maybe we could today, but knowing the doctor who is on call today, I think she will keep us here another night.  With Kaci’s history of lung problems (lung disease has not been officially ruled out yet) and dependency on oxygen, doctors have believed that getting her off oxygen would take much much longer. 

Kaci didn’t cough at all yesterday or last night (well, maybe one cough, but NOTHING like what she had been doing). 

I am a person of Faith.  I believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I believe in the power of the Priesthood and the blessings it brings.  I believe in the power of prayer.  I have felt all of the prayers sent out for Kaci and Kynan and for our family and I want to say Thank You for all of them.  Our family is so blessed to have so many friends and family willing to help out—whether in the form of babysitting children or keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.  I love you all and I greatly appreciate your part in helping our precious daughter get better so quickly—against all the odds!  Thank you for our Miracle!


Markell said...

I'm glad she's doing so well! I hope you will be able to all be home together again soon! Miracles happen everyday!

Jennie said...

Oh, that is such GREAT news! I hope you find yourselves home before the weekend!