Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kaci and I just got settled in the pediatric unit. No more ICU! I would love to never set foot in an ICU of any kind ever again…or hospital for that matter.

Kaci’s chest x-ray shows a little improvement and she is coughing very well now. Last night was the best night yet—she slept so easily. The part that stunk was that after I got her to sleep after her 3 am feeding, they came in at 4 to do blood work—Kaci slept through it—needle prick and all! I did not. At 5 am they came in to weigh her.  I had to get up because they weigh her on the bed.  Again, Kaci slept through it.  At 6 am, they came and did her chest x-ray.  She slept through it and I had to get up and leave the room because of the machine.  At 7 am, her doctor came in doing rounds.  I gave up trying to sleep at that point.  It was time to feed Kaci again.  Kind of funny really—and I’m not too upset about the lack of sleep.

Heath started feeling sick last night and this morning when I spoke with him he sounded awful.  He is staying away from Kaci until he feels better.  I hope it is quickly because I enjoy seeing him.  I also hope that Kynan doesn’t get sick.  Yuck.

The room we are in now is the smallest hospital room I think I have ever seen, but it has everything we need including a rocking chair.  I haven’t tried out the television yet but it looks to be circa 1970s.  This should be fun.  Luckily I have my computer and phone so if the tv is a dud, I still have stuff to do.  I also have a good book. 

Kaci is worn out from the move. She is so sweet and so cute!


Cheryl said...

You're in our prayers, as always. I hope you can get out of there soon. And that the doctors and nurses figure out that you need sleep too!

Jennie said...

I'm SO glad that she is doing better! You think the nurses would get on one page and do everything at once.