Monday, September 20, 2010

Tim and Shannon took Kalyn and Keali to the fair tonight while Heath and I took the babies, Mamaw, and Papaw to dinner to celebrate Mamaw’s birthday.  I would love to take the kids to the fair, but since I was about 18 or so, all it takes is to drive by the fairgrounds for me to get nauseous.  I always get sick at the fair.  Whether I eat or not.  Whether I ride anything or not.  I just always end up getting sick so I don’t even attempt it anymore.  It’s a shame too.  Who doesn’t love a good funnel cake?

We had a nice dinner and Kalyn and Keali had a blast with their Aunt and Uncle!  They even got to meet a monkey!  They took pictures with Tim, then Uncle Tim thought they should probably take pictures with this cute little guy too!img020

Heath is hopping with jealousy.  He really wants a monkey like this and has never gotten to see one up close.  img019

Now, it is late and I HAVE to go to sleep.  I’m exhausted!

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