Saturday, August 14, 2010

Training has one more week.  August 23rd can’t get here quickly enough.  I spent all day at work—8:30-6:45~  That is over ten hours.  I think…

Over all training is going very very well.  It can be difficult to go through because this year’s is my 14th.  14th time of hearing close to the same information.  I’m not being trained here—we are training the RA/CA staff.  It can get boring.  And exhausting.

At least I have a fun staff to work with.  My Hall Directors and RAs are great.  The other GHDs and CAs aren’t so bad either.  I’m happy I like the people I work with.

I miss my family though.  Training weeks take a lot away from the time I get to be with my family.  I got home at 6:45 tonight and Heath and the kids were visiting family in Blytheville.  I don’t grudge them the visiting time.  I miss them though.

They are on their way home now.  I wish it wasn’t so late though.  No snuggle time tonight. :(

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