Thursday, May 20, 2010

Uncharacteristic Positivity

Yesterday was a day full of joyful moments!  Work…well  it was work.  What I am talking about came later.

After work I picked up Heath and the girls then went to go get the babies.  While at my In-Laws house, I went “butterfly hunting” with Kalyn.  She is learning about insects at school and is eager to change my opinion of them.  Say this in your head with a superior, I know it all tone. “Mommy.  The spiders DON’T want to eat us!  They are friendly!”

Anyway, we went butterfly hunting.  We traipsed around the yard looking for the elusive butterfly.  I saw a moth and got really excited until I was shot down with a “That’s a moth, Mommy.  We are looking for butterflies.”  Okay.  Can’t fool that girl.  We walked around for a long time and didn’t see any butterflies.  Kalyn rescued me from a couple of bees and I had a mini fit when a frog jumped in front of me.  Luckily (so I thought), I had the presence of mind to slap the butterfly jar on top of the frog and I caught it!  Unfortunately, this upset Kalyn because frogs eat bugs and terrified Keali because she apparently has a deep rooted fear of frogs (I didn’t know!  It was fun to chase her with it though).  The only person who appreciated my act of heroism (really…me and bugs/amphibians/pretty much anything don’t mix), was Slade.  He had a great time looking at my capture. 

So…after awhile we let the frog go (Holly did the honors because I wasn’t about to touch it) and resumed our hunt.  By this time, Kalyn decided that the tiny moths were good enough to be considered butterflies so we got to work.  Uh Oh!  The moths were small and tricky enough to escape from our nets!  We tried for about 20 minutes to catch them—running all over the neighborhood, but alas I gave up and went inside.  MaMaw agreed to go hunting and they actually caught two moths/butterflies.  I think she did it with her bare hands.  I love my daughter, but I will not catch a moth with my bare hands. 

But to see the happiness on her face with her insects!  Pure joy!  Beautiful.

Last night I was holding/feeding Kaci.  I started to look at her tiny perfect ears.  What a miracle!  They are perfectly formed and so beautiful and soft.  I began playing with her little ear lobe and spent some time reflecting on the miracle of life.  Kaci is so perfect!

The day before yesterday, I got the twins’ progress reports from TLC.  As I flipped through the 56 pages of the reports (56 pages for each baby!) I was discouraged to see so many incompletes and not attempted.  Some I understand—a 7 month old really shouldn’t be walking yet.  But others were frustrating.  I noticed though that each time I got to a task/activity that a baby has reached 100% in, I filled with happiness and pride.  My babies may be delayed, but they are geniuses!  I think they are perfect!

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