Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday thru Thursday of this week I am taking off work at 2 so that I can pick up and take care of my precious twins.  Yesterday, on my way to get them, I stopped first and picked Kalyn up.  As I dropped her off at school yesterday morning she had asked if I would pick her up early.  I replied that I couldn’t because I needed to work.  Then, plans changed and I ended up taking off at 2.  So I picked her up.  She was so happy!  I got her in the van and as she buckled her seatbelt, she asked why I had picked her up.  Then she smiled and asked, “is it because you wanted to spend time with me?”  Yes Baby.  It was.  She can be such a sweet little angel!

We had an eventful afternoon with Kynan and Kaci.  Kynan is teething and Is.  Not.  Happy.  About.  It.

The poor little guy is very uncomfortable and has been waking up extra times at night crying.  He jams his fist in his mouth and gnaws at it.  I feel so bad for him.  He isn’t developed enough yet to hold/handle a teething ring, so that is little help.  Tylenol doesn’t seem to help him much either.  Poor baby!

He screamed for about two hours straight—there wasn’t anything I could do to get him to calm down.  Finally he fell asleep.  I put him in bed and he woke up again screaming.  It just about broke my heart.  Luckily, Kaci wasn’t cranky (that’s a change!) and so I only had one fussy baby.  Kaci doesn’t seem to be teething yet, but I’m sure it is only a matter of time.


Jennie said...

Nothing is worse than teething...unless it's teething x2. Oh goodluck! I think Brianna is starting too. She's onery and that's not her.

Markell said...

I'm so sorry that he's teething already!

Mine are usually later with teething but I know my mother would love for me to have one cut a tooth at 3 months like I did.

Markell said...

I'm so sorry that he's teething already!

Mine are usually later with teething but I know my mother would love for me to have one cut a tooth at 3 months like I did.