Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kalyn and Keali had their first t-ball practice of the season last evening.  It was priceless!

I left work early so I could get everyone ready and to the ball fields on time.  We made it (thanks to some careful driving instructions from Kalyn—apparently I wasn’t driving or parking properly).  We found the correct field and met the coaches. 

Kalyn immediately took Keali and started playing with her and the other girls.  They seemed to be having a fun time and Kalyn was certainly better than she was last year.  Keali was acting kind of shy—she gets crippling shyness from her Daddy and I.  It’s a miracle Kalyn is as outgoing as she is! 

Practice goes on and I start to notice that wherever Kalyn is, Keali isn’t far behind—usually within an inch or two.  Kalyn went to practice batting.  Keali went with her and waited.  Then it was Keali’s turn to bat.  Uh-uh.  Not doing it. 

She started crying and ran to the fence to tell me that she didn’t want to play t-ball anymore.  She was scared of it and didn’t want to play.  I went out on the field and got her to the plate.  She finally agreed to bat—but only if I stood right behind her with my hands on her shoulders.  She cried the whole time. 

It will be a long season!

I also got the opportunity to show how graceful I am to the whole softball complex (okay—so probably only 4 people were watching—I know there were at least 4 because that is how many people commented on it to me later).  I was walking to retrieve the girls’ bats from the other team (who stole them by the way).  I was dressed in my work clothes and didn’t see that the chain link fence wasn’t quite in place.  I tripped gloriously and hurt my knee a bit.  It is fine now—but the whole incident was a little embarrassing.  At least I got the bats back!


A while ago I blogged about TEFRA—a program that we are trying to get the twins into.  It would really help us with the medical bills.  It takes about 3 months from start of application to being notified and we are hitting the three month mark this week.  I can barely breath I am so nervous. 

It won’t be the end of the world if the babies aren’t accepted—but it would be wonderful if they are.  I just can’t stand the anticipation that goes along with waiting for potentially great or really bad news.

For those of you who pray out there—please pray for us that we get into the program.  It really would help our family out so much.

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