Monday, April 12, 2010

I’ve had a good day.

The babies did as well as they’ve done in a couple weeks last night (yay) and I got to sleep  it little more than usual.  When we got up this morning I made bacon, biscuits, eggs and gravy.  I made this for Heath and the girls because they really enjoy it.  I’m not a huge biscuit and gravy fan, but I do LOVE bacon.

Poor Heath has been really sick lately with a sinus infection.  Wanna hear something funny?  He got a prescription for his sickness from a doctor.  No.  He didn’t go to a doctor.  He spoke to my OB/GYN and he wrote the scrip for Heath.  I just find that hilarious. 

Anyway, he has been unwell and I’ve been doing a little more than usual to compensate.  I am not a compassionate person.  I can baby Heath when he is sick for about two hours, then I’ve been about as nice as I can be.  I don’t know why I’m like this, but I am.  I’ve been really good this time though but today I’ve had enough.  I insisted on taking a nap this afternoon.  I’m still so tired so when I got the opportunity to sleep, I took it.

Kalyn and Keali have been singing all day.  This is how lazy our day has been—it is 9:25 pm and the girls have not yet worn clothing.  They’ve been running around in undies and dress up clothes.  I don’t care.  I’m tired!

Kynan and Kaci have been kind of cranky on and off today.  Teeth.  Yuck.  Such sweet smiles when they are happy though!

Roasted some asparagus this evening.  Up till now, I’ve been the only one who enjoyed this yummy veggie.  Kalyn and Keali tried it and loved it!  Heath wouldn’t touch it.  But I’m glad that I can add one of my favorites to the growing list of veggies the girls will eat.

Still don’t know if it is a fruit or vegetable, but Kalyn has started liking tomatoes!  Since a baby, Kalyn has gotten physically ill just tasting tomatoes (in any form but catsup).  She tried them a week or so ago though and really enjoyed them.  I love that our tastes change as we get older. 

1 comment:

Markell said...

So sorry Heath is sick. Sinus infections are no fun. I wonder how many guys get scrips from an OB/GYN? :)