Monday, April 5, 2010

I’m still waiting for maintenance to come hang my paintings.  I can hardly wait to see them on the walls!  I know many of you haven’t been able to sleep due to the anticipation of seeing them, so I’ll go ahead and post pictures.photophoto1

Aren’t they beautiful!

The weekend was nice.  Saturday morning we walked to a track meet with Heath.  It was a lovely walk.  The weather was beautiful.  When we got home, Heath took care of the kids while I took a two hour nap.  Boy did I need that!  To pay back the favor, I took care of the kids Sunday morning while Heath slept in, then we went to his parents for a barbeque. 

It again was a beautiful day and the food was fantastic!  I haven’t been able to eat much lately thanks to my achy jaw, but what I was able to eat was delicious.  We came home in the late afternoon and got the house (everything but the back bedroom) completely clean and several loads of laundry done.

Why does laundry never get finished?

We got all the kids in bed by 7:30.  7:30!!  They were all exhausted, and I was so happy to get them to bed early.  I thought that would translate into me going to bed early too, but Heath wanted to get some more picking up done, so I assisted (like I had a choice!).  Finally got to bed and asleep about an hour before the babies woke up to eat.  They weren’t as bad last night as they have been about getting up.  At least they ate fairly quickly.

And here we are at another week.

Two more weeks until southern California!!  I’m really looking forward to this seminar.

I’m really looking forward to southern CA!  I won’t get to do much sight seeing, or playing around, but it will be nice to get out of Arkansas and the south.  If only for a couple of days.  I’ll miss Heath and the kids though.  Why does there always have to be a catch? 

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Ooohh! I like them a lot. They look so bright and cheery, a deffinate need for most offices.