Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am so excited!

At work I have a decent sized office—definitely more than a cubical.  It does not, however, have a window so it is fairly dark and depressing with it’s florescent lighting.

To give some color—and not having the ability (or taste) to decorate, I’ve just been putting up ASU athletic posters and things like that. 

A few weeks ago, I asked my sister-in-law Shannon if she would create some paintings for my office.  She agreed and I told/show her some things that I liked, but basically left the whole process up to her.  Today I got them!!!

I love them.  When I walked into my office (I was at the dentist…again when they were delivered), it was so bright!  These paintings will definitely make my days brighter and happier.

I’m not going to show you them yet.  I’ll wait until I get them hung (already sent in the work order), then take pictures of them in all their glory.

Thank you Shannon.  You are so talented!

1 comment:

Belkycita said...

Can we see pictures of them?!
Pleaseee :-)