Thursday, February 18, 2010



I lucked into some great pictures of the babies this morning.  I managed to get them both smiling!

Kynan is getting better and better at smiling, and has even started to do that grunting giggle babies have.  It is SO CUTE!

Kaci is a bit more delayed than Kynan, but is smiling a little now. 

Though I admit if I could go back and do it again, I still wouldn’t want to have twins—I would prefer to have had them seperately, I cannot say that I am not completely in love with my babies!  They are so sweet.  So what if they are cranky sometimes.  They have had a bit of a rough life.  They deserve to be a little cranky.  And really.  Who is to say that I’m not just too sensitive?  I think they are perfect!


Pretty Kaci!




Me and my babies!


They are so sweet.


Kalyn hanging out in my office.




I HATE that this is fuzzy!  He is just so adorable!


Don’t you wish your sons were this cute?!


Another sleeping pose.  I loved how they were snuggled up.


Jennie said...

I love how they are smashed up against each other on your lap. It's just too sweet!

jennifer rogers said...

too cute! I can't believe that they snuggle like that together and I also can't believe that they will let you hold them like that! You are a super mom!!!

Belkycita said...

those two are so DARN cute!!!
I totally understand what you mean by having them separate.

Just think about being done with diapers at once!!!

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness! So cute cute cute!

And I'm so glad you survived the weekend! Way to go!

Best of the Best said...

Way too cute that they love to snuggle up to each other. I wonder if that will change when they are older?