Monday, January 11, 2010

This week I am doing half-days at work.  I did full days last week because we were doing our spring training and I felt it was important for me to be a presence at all of the sessions.  This week I am working in the mornings, then coming home for lunch and being with the babies in the afternoon. 

I managed to get some small, but time consuming tasks done at work this morning, then I taught my Intro to Leadership Development course.  Yup.  I teach college!  It sounds a lot fancier than it really is, but it’s gonna go on the resume anyway!  It is a real class though and I am the instructor so that’s kind of cool.

This past weekend, Heath and I gutted and cleaned the babies’ bedroom.  It has been the storage room/my closet since we moved in, and we finally got around to emptying it out.  Heath got the crib out of storage and this afternoon I cleaned it up and assembled it.  This is going on the blog for one reason.  So that I have documented proof that I put a piece of furniture together all by myself!!  I’m kinda proud of my accomplishment! 

After putting it together, I picked up the girls from school and we came home and ate dinner.  I then bribed Kalyn and Keali into helping my clean up their room (I told them how excited their Daddy would be if he came home and it was clean).  I actually ended up cleaning the whole thing myself with the girls standing around and occasionally taking out some more toys to play with while I picked up the ones that they had just abandoned.  I know I should stick to my guns and make them clean up themselves, but it is so much easier to just do it myself.  I guess I’m not doing anyone any favors this way but still…

In between all of that I fed the babies three times (Kynan has turned into Super Stomach, Da Da Da DAAAA!)  Last night Kynan ate 14 ounces in 3 hours.  He usually only eats 4-6.  I am sensing a growth spurt. 

To end today’s shockingly positive post, I am going to give a shout out to my staff (even though none of them read this blog—I have to keep some of myself separate from work).  I have a super awesome staff of 5 grad students who do their jobs very well.  They are basically self-sufficient (that doesn’t mean I don’t have to be there, but they do take good care of my area for me).  They are also great people and I feel blessed to be able to work with them.  They are going to be great in their respective fields.  Also a big shout out to my favorite Patience!  She is always there for me and a great friend!  I feel so lucky to have her as a friend.  I’ve lucked into some great friends in my lifetime and she is one of them.  Love ya!

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